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That is complicated. Well, if he didn't ask you to be friends wit him den give him some time and see the way he reacts around you. If its a bad sign then dat means he's ova u!!

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In simple terms: He does not want to go out with you anymore (said in the nicest way possible), but still hopes you can be his friend.

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Q: What does it mean if your boyfriend wants to take a break and still be friends?
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probably because he still has feelings for you or just wants to be friends. (:

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He still wants to be friends with you.

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Because he wants to end the relationship as least painful and possible, and still wants to be your friend.

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Tell him you will call him in a month if you are still single.

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If he wants a break, give a him a break. Break his friendship.

What does it really mean if your boyfriend asks you to continue being friends?

Your boyfriend still showes care to you that means. He has a feeling that he you guys should break up but still be good friends :) thats very generous of him. I did the same with my girlfriend and we ended up being fine friends :) So he just wants to be your friend now... He still shows respect towards you, not a bad thing. You must have had a very kewl bf :D

Does my boyfriend really want a break or is it over completely?

It depends on how and what he said. If he said "break" then mayb he wants to breakup or he is having some issues with school, family, or friends. If he said "break up" then he probably wants to break up even if the reason isn't about you. Try to work things out. Ask him or his friends whats his problem.

What does it mean when your boyfriend breaks up with you but still wants to see if we have a future together?

mabe he still has feelings for you but just wanted a break for a while

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What to do if your boyfriend wants to be friends with your group of friends?

I would say yes :)

What do you think if your ex boyfriend lies about having a girlfriend cause he doesnt want to be bothered but he still wants to be friends and texts you?

i think he generally wants to be friends with you however, if you still have feelings though ignore mom always says you can never be friends with an ex its too hard

When will your boyfriend break up with you?

When he no longer wants to be around you.