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Biologically, it means that the pleasure-centres in your brain have been activated.

Psychologically, this means you liked hugging the person!

In plain English: it is a sign that you find this person attractive. It is not a sign of love.

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Q: What does it mean if you feel tingles after hugging someone?
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it could mean that you a erection but other than that no.

What does it mean wean a guy moves closer wean you are hugging you can feel him?

he loves you more than you think

What does it mean when a woman holds someone tight when hugging?

When a woman holds someone tight and she is hugging tightly and if they are of the opposite sex she either loves them dearly or loves them as a friend. On some occasions when someone she cares for is having a terrible time in their lives she may well hug them tightly to make them feel more secure and a silent message to them that she cares and is there for them. Some people do not like to be hugged, but in this world such as it is the human touch of caring by hugging or putting an arm around someone who is sad or simply needs to know in this robotic world that humans still care even those that do not feel comfortable with hugging can become use to it. It is important to reach out and show emotions by hugging; a pat on the back or an arm around a person's shoulder to either express joy re good news or comfort when someone is is in mental pain. It humanizes us.

Why do crotches tingle?

When your crotch tingles, that means your turned on it also can mean you have a infection

What does abrazandome mean in English?

hugging me

What does it mean when a guy makes references about hugging and kissing?

If it is directed towards you then chances are he is interested in doing so with you possibly or is seeing how you feel about those things.

What does it mean when your left ear tingles all the time?

If your left ear tingles all the time, you may have a pinched nerve in your neck. If there is a lump, bleeding, or discoloration of your ear, get it checked by a doctor.

What does it mean when you dream about a boy who is a friend but never thought of liking him as bf hugging you and your are hugging back and you feel very confused when you wake?

it means you have a very imaginative imagination.

What does it it mean when your face tingles?

nothing really, just means u like it! it happens to me :)