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You've already got friends that you know all about so you have no problem talking to them or thinking of something to talk about. When you try to make friends with someone new you know nothing about them and that makes it kinda strange. Ask them about things they like and eventually you'll find something in common and the convo will go more smoothly.

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Q: What does it mean if you are able to be sociable and have good friends and yet still not LIKE people or want to socialize with them?
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Yeah of course, your still friends just minus the benefits.

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People who you have met or talked to but who you would not really call friends are often described as "acquaintances" or still called friends even if you do not like them that much.

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Sometimes people go from being best friends to just friends because their lives take different paths, but it can still be a meaningful relationship.

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If you are really friends, tell that person that their words have hurt you, accept the apology, stop whining friends arnt like in the movies

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Yes. They are all still friends

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Uh...yeah. It's not the black plague. It's not contagious. Gay people are no different than straight people, except for the fact that they are attracted to members of the same sex instead of the opposite sex.

How do you make friends on

Well, the main idea is that your infs can make friends friends with other infs. That's the coolest part. If you're still interested in the boring "making friends with people", go to the forum There are loads of people there, who want to be friends with you.

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They are still friends, they just aren't as close as they used to be. People change as they get older, things changed, and they just drifted away from each other. They are still friends though, just not as close as they were when they were younger.

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because they celebrate with love one family and friends

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Depends on what you mean by 'deals with'. Ex's can still be mates. I know plenty of people who are ex's and are still friends

When was Can We Still Be Friends created?

Can We Still Be Friends was created in 1978.

If you have a friend that is popular and you dont want to be popular what do you do?

You can still be friends with them. You don't have to spend every second with them and their friends. You guys can have separate times together and still associate with each other without being considered the same status as them. You can be friends with other people and still maintain the status you want to be at.