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it happens 2 me 2 if they are always staring that means they really like u but they are afraid of being rejected and they dont ask u out cuz they are shy just go talk 2 him try being friends with him firstand then u can get some L0L

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16y ago
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12y ago

This could be one of two answers:

1) He's a very shy person/intimidated by initial social introductins and finds it very hard to break the ice and introduce himself to you. Really it just means he likes you but he's too shy to do anything about it or;

2) He's a serial killer so watch your back!

999/1000 it's the former though, he's just interested in you but doesn't have the balls to talk to you. I'd suggest that you do the initial ice breaking and eventually he'll come out of his shell :)

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12y ago

It is good in a way, but you should talk together, not just look at etch other. communication is important in a relationship.

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12y ago

It can means his attracted 2 u,and tat he is intrested in u.

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6y ago

he wants to talk but is intimidated by you

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14y ago

depends on his facial expression...

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8y ago

Staring contest

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Q: What does it mean if you and the guy you like holds eye contact but never talk to each other?
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