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If your ex says he doesn't want to be your friend anymore he might think that things between you two will be akward when your together. Try discussing with him the reason why he doesn't want to be friends or just let it go. It could also just be that he was upset with you at the time, but soon he will get over it and become friends with you anyways.

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19y ago
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13y ago

I've been through this kinda sistuation before (I'm a guy). What it usually means is that he probably wants a break/some time by himself without you to clear his mind or he just to nervous/scared to talk to you again. And in the worst case senerio or the best depends on jow you feel about him, maybe he doesn't want to have anything to do with you anymore... Through my experience its has been all of these. It usually starts out as a crush, to being the best of friends, to a relationship, to a break-up, and never then speaking to each other again. Life is sad sometimes isn't it.

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16y ago

dat he dont like u or dat he is hiding dat he likes u

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13y ago

That they do not wish to associate with you.


When someone behaves like that towards you the best thing to do is move on and don't look back.

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Q: What does it mean if an ex says he does not want to be your friend?
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