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A man who has cheated on his wife with a mistress and then does it again with you, is a man who is motivated by lust, and who will never be sexually faithful to anyone. If he should ever tell you that he intends to leave his wife and marry you instead, don't believe him.

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Q: What does it mean if a man cheated on his wife with mistress then cheats with you?
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What if your husband cheated and has STD can you sue lover anilation affection law in NC?

I believe you mean the Alienation of Affection law. That law states that when an outsider has a hand in ruining a marriage i.e. husband cheats on wife and wants to leave wife for mistress, that the outsider(mistress)can be sued for making the husband/wife want to end their marriage. In this case, where hubby has cheated and brought home an STD, this law would not apply unless he is saying he wants to end the marriage and move in w/girlfriend in happy herpes bliss. My advice to you is to do your own sort of alienation and tell the whole town about the mistress, your husband cheating and the STD!

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Legally, nothing. If the man is granted the divorce and keeps the mistress, then she has won the honor of being with a man that can't be trusted.

If a married told his mistress he only cheated because it was exciting then why didnt he just tell his wife he was bored?

well.... because he's an idiot

If a man has a wife and the man is messing around with a girl and has never cheated before and the man tells his mistress that your the first and last girl he will ever do it with what does that mean?

this means he has a million [metaphorically speaking] other woman he is fooling around with

If a married man told his mistress he cheated on his wife because it was exciting and she is hot until he got caught then he stopped would he ever go back to his mistress for sex again?

yes, yes he would hes a guy

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Possibly, if he thinks he can get away with it. The better question might be, "If he was caught, and yet did not take that opportunity to leave his wife, why would a mistress have anything more to do with him?"

If a married man never cheated on his wife b4 but cheated 20 times with the same woman and told his ex mistress she's the best he's ever had after getting caught cheating y would he tell her that?

most probably to make her feel special since he had to go back to his wife

What does it mean when wife cheats on you with girl?

It means she's a lesbian!!!

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Your wife cheats on you with another man. Your wife cheats on you with another woman. Your wife cheats on you with a dog. Your wife cheats on you with a horse...

What happens after mistress tells wife?

I've been in this situation too, except it was with a boyfriend. I was his girlfriend at the time. My ex not only cheated on me but another girl as well. He kept TWO relationships hidden from both of us. We both dumped him and were very angry at HIM (now the other girl and I are friends). There are different situations: a) If the mistress knows he is married; b) The mistress has no idea that he is married; c) If the mistress knows that he is married then honestly she is stupid; because if you are the mistress and he is cheating on his wife, why wouldn't he do the same exact thing to you. b) If the mistress has NO idea that he was married and the wife finds out, she may confront the mistress or she may confront her husband. It depends of the wife. WOMEN ARE WORTH MORE THAN A CHEATING GUY; DONT STAY WITH THEM AND THINK THAT THEY ARE GOING TO CHANGE FOR YOU, THEY WON'T. THEY ONLY REALLY CARE ABOUT THEIR OWN NEEDS.