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It usually means that he wants to have sex with you.

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Q: What does it mean if a guy touches you on your private?
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How does a guy make out?

slobber his tongue all in your mouth and touches your private parts and everything it feels pretty good actually!

What does it mean when a guy touches your boobies?

It means that that guy really loves you and it's also really bad so don't let a guy do it to you.:)

What does it mean if a guy touches your cheek?

If you're ugly be happy. If you're pretty punch him.

What does it mean wen a guy touches your hand on porpose?

it may meen that he likes u :D

What does it mean when a guy touches your chair all the time in class?

He wants to draw your attention to himself.

What does it mean when a guy touches your lower cheek and he makes noises out of his mouth?

it means he wants to kiss you

What does it mean when a guy touches you up?

You should just go along with it and touch him up too.

What does it mean when a boy touches you around the waist?

A guy may rub a girl's waist if he likes her. A guy may also do it accidentally when walking by and it may not mean anything.

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Does a guy get turned on when he touches you?

well i guess it depends where he touches you. probs not if he touches ur arm.

If you are playing tag with a guy and he touches you on the side what does that mean?

It means that you're it. Go chase him and touch his side.

What does it mean when a guy touches a girl skuf tail and a play with his foot?

IT means he thinks your cute or hot