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That he has no respect for you or sense of humor (if he thinks he is being funny).

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Q: What does it mean if a guy says you have a water buffalo butt?
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What does it mean if a guys says you have a big butt?

It means he considers your butt big.

What does it mean when a guy says you have a nice butt but says he doesnt like you?

It means he thinks you have a nice butt but doesn't like you.

What if the guy you like says your butt is beautiful and he likes it does that mean he likes you?

There is a fine line to whether he likes you or your butt :)

What does it mean when a guy says your butt is hard?

Ewww! here's what i suggest: slap them on the face and say their butt is hard. see how they like it.

What does it mean when your friend says what you looking at?

He/she thinks your looking at there butt. Chest or between there legs for female or butt or between legs for male

When a guy says you have a fat butt what does that mean?

it means exactly what is says, that you have a fat butt. its a good thing, because most guys like big butts. so be happy!! i wish i was you ; )

What does it mean when a guy says you have a nice butt?

he is most likely, A. hitting on you B. trying to seduce you or C. just likes your butt size.

Does it mean when you boy says chicken butt?

that means they LOVE YOU. 3 days later say you love them too(say chicken butt)

What does it mean when a girl says aww after you said you like her over text?

It means............................................................UR BUTT

What does it mean when someone says you got that good good?

it means that you have a banging body or big butt

What does it mean when a guy grabs your butt and says hot buns?

This is a rude and inappropiate way of saying he likes your rear end.

What does a guy mean when he says you have a tight butt?

It's a good thing. It means you have a nice, athletic ass that doesn't sag or look gross.