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It could mean that he does like you but because he is going through a rough patch. He cannot go to ask you out because this might worsen his situation.But is he still likes you after this then something might happen

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Q: What does it mean if a guy says he likes you but is in a complicated relationship?
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His love for you is not sexual. He wants your relationship to be platonic.

What does it mean when a man says he likes you but is not ready to be in a relationship?

it means he likes you, but hhes probably in a relationship or just got out of one and doesnt want to seem desperate.

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He is saying that he likes you but he also likes someone else.

What if a guy says his relationship is a situation what does this mean?

It either means that he is in a relationship and the other girl doesn't know he is cheating and he doesn't want to talk about it or that his relationship is complicated and he doesn't want to talk about it. It is not a great situation for you to be in.

What does a girl mean when she says relationship is complicated?

it means that you and your boy/girl friend are going through hard times. It may mean y'all may break up. THAT'S what complicated means. trust me I've been there

What does it mean if a guy doesn't want to be in any relationship but finds you attractive and hot and says that he loves spending time with you?

That means the guy likes u but is afraid to be in a relationship..

What does it mean when he says you are like a friend?

It probably means that he only likes you as a friend and doesn't want a romantic relationship right now

When a guy says he likes you as a lie what does it mean?

It means he likes you but it depends if he smiles when he says it.

What does it mean when he says he loves and cares about you but doesn't want a relationship?

He obviously likes you as a friend but doesn't have any interest towards you more than that.

What if her friend says that her friend likes you does that mean she likes you?

Ask her.

What does it mean when a boy says he likes you but then later says he doesnt want to ruin our friendship?

Well it means that he does want to go out with you but he doesn't want the relationship to not work out and it ruin your good friendship.

What does he mean when he says he likes you and you are dating?

it means he likes you. dont over analize anything a guy says