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she LIKES YOU or she likes you as a friend. or she was talking about you

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Q: What does it mean if a girl waves at a boy and says hi from quite a distance at school when shes with a friend?
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What does it mean if a girl waves at a boy and says hi whilst smiling from quite a distance at school when shes with a friend?

more on it means that she is flirting with you!

Can long waves such as radio waves are good for transmitting information long distance?

Because it's cheap and easy to generate radio waves, add information to them, detect them at great distances, separate one from out of many, and recover the information carried by the one you want. Plus, they cover the distance from one place to another quite rapidly.

What happens to the distance in arrival times between P waves and S waves as the distance for the earthquake increases?

As the distance from the earthquake to the seismograph station increases, the time interval between the arrival of P waves and S waves also increases. This is because S waves travel slower than P waves, so the further distance allows more time for the S waves to catch up and be recorded after the P waves.

What is the distance between the tops of the waves called?

The distance between the tops of waves is called the wavelength. It is measured as the distance between two consecutive crests (or troughs) of a wave.

The maximum distance a molecule has been moved from its normal position by a wave is?

The maximum distance a molecule can be moved from its normal position by a wave is equal to the amplitude of the wave. This distance is typically small for light waves (such as electromagnetic waves) but can be more significant for mechanical waves like sound waves or water waves.

What is the term for the distance between two crests if the water waves?

The term for the distance between two crests of water waves is wavelength.

What does the time-distance graph of seismic waves show?

The time-distance graph of seismic waves shows the relationship between the time it takes for seismic waves to travel and the distance they travel. It helps in determining the speed at which seismic waves propagate through the Earth's interior and provides information about the structure and composition of the Earth's layers.

The waves which can be propagate a long distance through cast iron?

Sound waves.

When you speak how does your words get transferred to a friend?

When you speak, your vocal cords vibrate to produce sound waves. These sound waves travel through the air and enter your friend's ears. Your friend's ears pick up the sound waves, which are then transmitted to the brain where they are processed as speech and understood as words.

The distance between a seismological recording station and the earthquake source is determined from the what?

The distance between a seismological recording station and the earthquake source is determined from the arrival times of seismic waves at the station. By comparing the arrival times of P-waves and S-waves, seismologists can calculate the distance to the earthquake source using the difference in their arrival times.

Geologists use the difference in the arrival times of P waves and S waves at a seismograph to determine?

the distance to the earthquake's epicenter. P waves, or primary waves, travel faster than S waves, or secondary waves, so the interval between their arrival times can be used to calculate the distance the seismic waves have traveled. By measuring this time difference at different seismograph stations, geologists can triangulate the epicenter of the earthquake.

What happens to The difference in arrival times between p waves And s waves as The distance From the earthquake increase?

The difference between the arrival times increases as the distance from an earthquake epicentre increases as S-waves travel more slowly than P-waves so the greater the distance the further they lag behind.