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Q: What does indifferent of others feelings mean?
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Indifferent, no feelings for an issue

What does it mean when a person calls you Callous?

If someone calls you callous, they are suggesting that you are insensitive or lacking empathy towards others. It implies that you may be indifferent to or disregard the feelings or suffering of others.

What does callous mean?

Callous means showing a lack of sympathy or concern for others, and being emotionally hardened or unfeeling towards others' suffering or distress. It can also refer to someone who is indifferent to the feelings or well-being of others.

What is the quality that Scrooge had before his change of heart?

He was a very good businessman despite being miserly and indifferent to others feelings

How is indifferent used in a sentence?

"He was indifferent to the sufferings of others"

What does the word asocial mean?

Asocial refers to a person who does not enjoy socializing or participating in social activities. It can also be used to describe behaviors or feelings that are indifferent or detached from social interactions.

Synonym for no feelings one way or the other?


Does insensitive mean not caring about other peoples feeling?

Yes, being insensitive typically means lacking consideration for other people's emotions or feelings. It involves being unresponsive or indifferent to the impact of one's words or actions on others.

What is a good sentence with indifferent in it?

A good sentence with the word indifferent would go like this: You're quite indifferent from the others

What is a callous mind?

A callous mind refers to a lack of sensitivity or empathy towards others. It is characterized by a cold or indifferent attitude that disregards the feelings and experiences of those around them.

What is the word for showing no concern for another person's feelings?

selfish, indifferent, inconsiderate

Should you make amends with a sociopath?

No. It doesn't mean anything to him/her. That is what makes them what they are . They have no feelings for others and they don't care about others.