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Woman sometimes say what they believe (at the time OS saying it) and then at another time believe something else.

A woman may say she will do something and at the time she is saying it, she will genuinly believe she will do it.


Later as it seems you have found out, she will not do it.

Sometimes later, (whether she does it or not is irrelivant to her) because she actually meant she would do it, when she said she would.

Eg. At 9 AM Jill said she'd wash the car before Midday.

At 1 PM Jill has not washed the car.

It may seem that Jill has lied at 9 AM because she did not wash the car.

But Jill sees it as, she did not lie, as she genuinly believed at 9 AM that she would wash the car before Midday.

Jill knows she did not wash the car but to her it is important that you understand that at 9 AM it was her heart felt intention to have that car washed by Midday.

Some woman will follow through with what they say more than others and so do men. If your Jill is not following through as much as you need, let her know and if it doesnt change, maybe it's time to find another Jill.

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12y ago

get over it than, many you should forget about him!

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12y ago

Being a hypocrite.

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