it mean loving you hurts. as in if you love someone but that person doesnt love you back . that's what amarte duele means in English.
Natalia Lafourcade (album)
como me duele means what hurts me...hopes that helpes
Love you good.
love if it hurts
How it hurts to cry
" me duele" means it hurts, for example if you said me duele and u add la cabeza then that means my head hurts!
The Spanish phrase "me duele" translates to "I hurt" or "I'm in pain" in English. It is commonly used to express physical discomfort or pain.
The Spanish word "duele" translates in English to "to hurt". "Te duele?" means "does this hurt?" and "la inyecciÃ_n no duele" means "the injection doesn't hurt".
"What's hurting/what hurts you?"
"Qué te duele" in Spanish translates to "What hurts you?" in English. It is a common question used to inquire about someone's pain or discomfort.
i think it is "how is your life?" No. 'Como duele' = 'how it hurts' 'Oh well' is English 'Asi es la vida' = 'That's life'.
It means "It hurts that I can't see my uncle"