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Q: What does a 13 year old boy do when he has a girlfriend and another girl loves him?
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What do you do about a guy who has a girl friend and he loves you but you cant go out for another year and a half?

The only thing you can do, wait.

What do you do if you liked a girl last year and now she finnally wants to be your girlfriend?

well go for it youll never have another chance

What is the perfect Christmas gift for your 13 year old girlfriend?

Every girl loves a box of chocolates or a small stuffed teddy. I'm sure she'd appreciate the effort.

When your 11 year old boyfriend says his heart is to someone else's does it mean he likes his girlfriend?

He is telling you that he likes another girl.

Can an 18 year old guy mean it when he tells his 16 year old girlfriend that he loves her?

only if he really does. you cant mess around with a girl's mind. if you dont think shes serious with you, you dont want to scare her away. of course!

How can a 11 year old boy get a girlfriend?

Um well to get a girlfriend you need to ASK A GIRL.

Does ray ray loves 9 year old girl?

Ray loves his fans and everything but he would never dcate a 9 year old girl and i dont think he would date one because its illegal. he probably loves kids

How can you get your 14 year old girl friend to be your girlfriend?

ask her out

Can a 19 year old be with an 14 year old girl?

as in friends, yes, but boyfriend and girlfriend, absolutely not, VERY inapproppriate. Yes, but don't plan on sex for another 4 years.

How does a 15-year-old girl with a 16-year-old boyfriend tell her parents that she loves him her parents approve of him but she's scared to tell.?

depends on what kind of guy it is. & if your parents dont agree, if you love him soo much you would still be his girlfriend.

How can a 15-year-old boy get an 18-year-old girl to be his girlfriend?

Ask her:)

Who is Ceallach Spellman's girlfriend because its not Dionne?

His girlfriend is Courtney Morrison..a 14 year old girl from Morecambe..