

Best Answer

Marfan Syndrome is a medical problem with the Conective Tissue.

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Related questions

What are the chances of getting marfan syndrome?

Marfan syndrome is found in 1 in every 5,000 - 10,000 births. If one of your parents has Marfan syndrome, you have a 50% chance of having Marfan syndrome.

Is marfan syndrome automsomal dominant?

Yes, Marfan syndrome is autosomal dominant.

Is Marfan syndrome contagious?

Marfan's syndrome is not contagious. A person can only get it by inheriting it from a parent.

Is Down Syndrome the same as Marfan Syndrome?

No. Down is caused by an extra chromosome while Marfan is due to a mutation in one or more genes.

What effects can marfan syndrome have on a persons life?

They cant exercise as vigorously as someone without Marfan syndrome

What can be some symptoms for Marfan's syndrome?

flat feet an sinked chest are some symptomes of marfan syndrome

Can animals have marfan syndrome?

Marfan syndrome is not naturally found in animals. However, researchers have created mice with Marfan syndrome in laboratories for the purpose of testing medications on them before conducting human trials.

What important genetic characteristic does Marfan syndrome have?

Another important genetic characteristic of Marfan syndrome is variable expression.

What is the most serious complication from Marfan syndrome?

Aortic enlargement. This is the most serious potential complication of Marfan syndrome.

Does marfan syndrome happen around the world?

Yes. Marfan syndrome is found equally in all ethnic groups.

How many people in the world haves marfan syndrome?

1 in every 5,00o to 7,000 people have Marfan syndrome.

What is the etiology of marfan syndrome?

The etiology of marfan syndrome would be the mutations in the protein FBN1 in the gene chromosome 15.