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Q: What does Lucretia Marinella claim motivated men who denigrate women?
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What three reasons Europeans were motivated to claim land in North America.?

The Europeans were motivated to claim land in North America because of the wealth of Natural Resources, the rumors of gold and the expansion of their respective empires. England, France and Spain were all fighting to create the largest, wealthiest empire.

What motivated Giovanni da verrazzano to travel and discover?

The King of France wanted to claim land and he wanted to find a route to China.

True or false Europeans were motivated to explore new lands because they wanted to convert local people to Christianity or claim land for their country?


What motivated the crusades and how did they affect the combatants?

The crusades were motivated by Cristian Europe's desire to claim the holy land. Also they believed that they were on a mission from god to get rid of anyone who was not Christian. That made the men fighting in them more willing and inspired. Them believing that they were on a holy mission gave motivation.

Have you ever heard the argument that Judas fee of thirty pieces of silver might be interpreted as thirty Mercury dimes- 3.00 and implied Homosexuality Was Judas Gay?

I have never heard of this argument, but there is unlikely to be any truth to it. The claim is too obviously a homophobic one, designed to denigrate homosexuals in general.

What is a big lie?

A big lie is a policy of making false politically motivated claims which are emphatic enough that listeners will take notice and reckon that the claim must be true because no single person would dare to question them.

Why did the europeans motivated to explore new land?

Europeans were motivated to explore new lands for several reasons, including the search for wealth and resources, the desire to spread Christianity and convert indigenous peoples, the pursuit of glory and power for their home countries, and the hope of finding new trade routes to Asia. Additionally, competition among European nations fueled the race to discover and claim new territories.

What was the purpose of fransisco pizarros journey?

Francisco Pizarro's journey was to explore and conquer lands in South America, particularly looking for the Inca Empire to conquer and claim their riches for Spain. Pizarro was motivated by the desire for wealth, power, and spreading Christian beliefs.

Why did Pizarro first enter the lnca empire?

Pizarro first entered the Inca Empire in search of wealth and glory. He aimed to conquer the Inca Empire and claim its riches for Spain, motivated by tales of Inca gold and the desire to expand Spain's empire in the New World.

If you have a car accident and don't make a claim does it still count as a claim?

no you have to make a claim for it to be regestered as a claim

Why did Spanish explorers set out for the Americas?

Spanish explorers set out for the Americas in search of new trade routes to Asia, as well as to spread Christianity and establish colonies for economic gain. They were also motivated by the desire for fame and glory, as well as the opportunity to claim new territories for the Spanish crown.

What is meant by clean claim?

a claim that has all the information to have the claim paid.