In dating, if someone says "lets see how it goes' then they are cautious about starting up a relationship, but are prepared to try for a while. if it works out then they will become more committed, but if not, they will end it.
Lets see
lets see URN= you are in
it is a part of your body that lets you to see
it is a part of your body that lets you to see
UMMMMMM! Lets see. It means he likes you!
From the Morning by Nick Drake
You miss them so your mind lets you see them
it is a person that goes on to your computer and lets say he wants your back details and then use it to get money?
Ok I will
when Cynthia says lets meet again she mean when you get to the Pokemon league and beat the elite four then you will see Cynthia and battle you will have to battle her
i don't see you
Lets see.... One foot goes up while one foot goes down then switch. Up and down. That's it. Procedures? Kick.