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That your a geek and funny looking

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Q: What doas it mean when a girl laughs at you when she looks at you?
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What does it mean when a girl looks at you in the eye but laughs at you?

it means she is rude and you should date someone else

If a girl looks at you does it mean she likes you?

Just because she looks at you doesn't mean she likes you. It depends on whether she talks, smiles, laughs or flirts. All girls are different.

What does it mean when a girl put lol in a message?

LOL or lol means Lots of Laughs or Laughs Out Loud.

What does it mean when a girl laughs at you when you hug her?

It means, that she is happy to see you.

If a girl laughs at everything your boyfriend does does that mean she is interested in him?

yup yup!

Theres a girl i knew since i was a baby and now she looks at me smiles then laughs friendly but when i face her she turns away what does it mean?

she was laughing at the wall behind you and when you looked at her she thought the wall was looking at her

What doas pursuit mean?


What does the name izac mean?

This looks like a fanciful spelling of the Hebrew name Isaac.Isaac means "he laughs".

What does it mean if a girl spits in your face and laughs?

She probably doesn't like you too much.

What doas hello mean?

is when your greeting someone

If you a girl and your being a purvey and a boy laughs and says your weaird what does that mean?

stop being nasty

What does it mean when a girl laughs at you when you hug her or tell her that she is beautiful or sexy or pretty or cute?

When a girl laughs its probably because she's embarassed about it or nervous. Then again she might laugh because she finds it hilarious that you think she is cute or pretty.