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Terror babies.

(Stated in jest, of course)

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Q: What do you think are the greatest challenges of American citizenship today?
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What do you think might have been the greatest challenges of Lewis and Clark's journey?

lack of geographical knowledge

If an American couple has their baby in UK does baby get automatic dual citizenship in UK and the US?

Yes absolutely! Your child will have dual citizenship: • American citizenship by birth in the United States ["lex soli" ] • British citizenship by descent being born to a British citizen ["lex sanguinis"]

Which groups of immigrants do you think faced the greatest challenges in the US?

native americans even though we aren't immigrants !

If a female citizen of a foreign country has a child fathered by an American in that foreign country is the child an American citizen?

I don't think so, unless the child was born on American soil (actually in America, an American territory, American military installation, or American embassy).

What do you think would be the greatest challenges in staging real performance of death of a salesman?

The greatest challenge to overcome in Arthur Miller's Death of a salesman would be transitioning to the constant flow of flashbacks.

Do American Women Lose their citizenship if they Marry a middle eastern Man?

No!!!! i think they don't I'm not sure! But if they do that would be REALLY RACIST!

What current issues in American Samoa do you think will have the greatest impact on your generation?

 they have 20% of unemployment

What do you think has been the greatest impact of terrorism on American life?

Stronger security checks on airplanes.

What area of North American continent would have the greatest risk of volcano damage?

i think its California

Did John Cabot get a citizenship?

Well... I think he got a citizenship when he moved to England. (Maybe I am not postitive)

What does a hero shows?

I think it shows an outstanding citizenship smile?