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i look for a guy to be cute some one i can talk to i can joke around with someone who is nice and cares for me and dosent cheet i never cheet on girls. i be nice to them in school

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Q: What do you see in a guy?
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Only the guy can see that you're the one for him; there's nothing that you can do, he must see it for himself.

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When a girl says when she wants to see a guy she will find a guy means she is independent and she isn't interested in seeing any guy at this point in time.

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you tell him what you see in him.

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it usally means that he has feelings for you and wants to know what you see in a guy so he can be that guy or hes just worried for you

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Well it most likely meens that he likes you but is trying to see if you are even intrested at all in this guy to see if he has competition.

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See if he's cute.?

see if the guy is cute and get married

Is a pilot a good guy or a bad guy?

I Don't See him he do good or bad

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What do you do when you see a cute guy?

Get a boner.