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As a guy, whenever I do this, I'm usually trying to make the girl that I'm telling jealous and want to be with me more. He more than likely likes you and is just trying to make you jealous that he might go out with another girl when he probably won't. Hope this helps

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15y ago
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13y ago

You should consider that as something good since shes letting you know and shes not hiding it from you. You should just tell her to not be talking or be hanging around with that guy that likes her because if he likes her its obvious that he is not gonna see her as a "friend" and that just doesn't look good you know?. Its not necessarily good to be jealous but it is good to be precaucious and see and find out if shes talking or hanging around with that guy and if she is its just not the right girl but if shes not you should certainly take her serious.

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14y ago

then he doesn't like you that much or your just a back-up incase the other girl says no...dont go out with this ++s+ole trust...

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