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First line managers are those directly responsible for the day to day work of a team of employees. They will report to second line managers who are responsible for the day to day work of many teams each with a first line manager.

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Q: What do you mean by first line managers?
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What are the relationship between project managers and line managers?

The relationship between project managers and line managers is that the project managers divide the work among the line managers and the line managers report to the project managers.

Describe how to classify managers in organization?

Managers coordinate and oversee the work of employees within the organization and help accomplish the organizational goals. Top Managers are responsible for making decisions about the entire organization. Middle Managers manage the work of the first-line managers. First-line managers are the ones who manage the work of the non-managerial employees.

What is Job description for first level manager?

First-level managers are also called first-line managers or supervisors. These managers have job titles such as: Office manager, Shift supervisor, Department manager, Foreperson, Crew leader, Store manager. First-line managers are responsible for the daily management of line workers-the employees who actually produce the product or offer the service. There are first-line managers in every work unit in the organization. Although first-level managers typically do not set goals for the organization, they have a very strong influence on the company. These are the managers that most employees interact with on a daily basis, and if the managers perform poorly, employees may also perform poorly, may lack motivation, or may leave the company.

Types of managers?

There are four types of management theories such as system management, chaos theory, freedom-based management theory and contingency theory. All are being used to determine the most efficient and productive ways of operating a business.

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managers can be differentiated on the basis of their positions in the organization.they can be classified as: - Top Managers - Middle Managers - First line Managers - Non Management Personnels

What are first line managers?

A first-line manager is a manager who is at first or second level management, such as a store manager (first level) or an assistant or co-manager (second level), and is directly responsible for the production of their company's goods and services. Keep in mind that a first-line manager is any first or second level manager at every store, it is not per company. For instance, there is only one president of a company, but there are hundreds of managers for the same company. There are first and second level managers for each department within a store and for every level, such as a branch, district, regional, and corporate manager.

Should safety and health managers attempt to eliminate all workplace hazards why or why not?

Safety and health managers are not line managers and lack the authority to eliminate any workplace hazards. Their function is to guide, advise, and support line management. It is the line managers who should be trying to eliminate or control every workplace hazard that comes to their attention.

Which occupations is projected to have the lowest percentage increase by 2012?

First-line Supervisors/Managers of Retail Sales Workers a+ registered nurses

How does task analysis help line managers?

i dont no

Describe different categories of managers?

Functional managers: oversee specific functions or departments within an organization (e.g., finance, marketing). General managers: responsible for overseeing multiple functions within a business or organization. Frontline managers: supervise and manage the day-to-day operations and activities of entry-level employees. Middle managers: bridge the gap between frontline employees and top-level executives, responsible for implementing the strategies set by upper management.

Illustrate the HR management responsibilities of line and staff managers?

Line manager A manager who is authorized to direct the work of subordinates and is responsible for accomplishing the organization's tasks. Staff manager A manager who assists and advises line managers.

What are three basic levels of management that can be identified in most organizations?

Three basic layers of management are usually some version of front line supervisors, middle managers and executives. The front line supervisors are the direct supervisors of line staff. The managers are responsible for supervising the front line supervisors. The executives are the direct supervisors of the middle managers and also the leaders of the company.