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i would say a picture frame of you two or body spray. or something to do with his favorite sports team. Give him a kiss, and a piece of jewelery as a symbol for your relationship.

My bf is 13 and i have no clue what to get him!he is into rock music and some rap!like seether 9 inch nails slipknot bullet 4 my valentine linkin park!eminem drake Iyaz lil Wayne kayne west!what should i get him?
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14y ago

well first i would make sure he is getting you something first you don't want to make him feel bad (lesson learned) but if they are get something that has a special meaning to you or something that has reminded you of a good memory

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Q: What do you get your boyfriend for Christmas if your 13 years old?
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What do you get a boyfriend for Christmas when your 13?

A kiss

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AnswerWait until you feel ready, and find a good guy.

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you should be at least 12 or 13 to date . btw I'm 11 and i have 13 years old boyfriend sweet huh? well bye bye XD

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i have a beby in November 20 2007 and i have only 13 years old mi boyfriend he have 24 years old, can i get married with hem

What do you give your 13-year-old boyfriend for Christmas?

well i was haveing the same problem.i talked to his older brother and got him to take his iPod.i made him a mixed CD and he loves it!