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Q: What do you do while your boyfriend gives you pleasure?
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It is need which gives pleasure.

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A pleasure to calling your boyfriend daddy as in to make him feel dominant.

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Break up with him it is wrong-fromama

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What to think if your boyfriend gives you a ring after cheating?

Nice boyfriend.

Why is your boyfriend more concerned over your pleasure than his own?

Perhaps you're lucky and have an unselfish boyfriend; perhaps he wants to show off his skills in the erotic arts; perhaps bit of both. Relax and enjoy! Yes. I wouldn't complain. Perhaps he believes passion is best when it is shared equally. It is possible that his pleasure is contingent upon yours, or at least enhanced by yours. He's enjoying himself, but enjoys himself more when he sees your pleasure on display, when he gets feedback that confirms he has contributed to your pleasure. Is not the joy of the one who gives the gift in part a reflection of the joy of the one who receives it?