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i wouldn't do any thing so maybe she could become my friend.

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Q: What do you do when your used to be guy friend finds a new girl best friend?
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Your best friend met this other girl and there best friends and your used to be best friend move schools how do you get your best friend back?

You answered yourself when you said "your use to be best friend". Fickleness cannot be overcome but getting new friends can.

What does beffo mean?

its a way of saying bestfriend like beffa is for a girl best friend and beffo is for a boy best friend. its commonly used around hispanics.

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Like a friend or best friend your go to guy

Best guy friend?

so what if your best friend is a guy i dosent mean you like him. i used to have a best friend that was a guy and people said we liked each other but we didnt. but nowadays my best friend is a girl

How can you gain a trust of a girl that used to be your best friend?

You need to get her for some talking dates. Discuss what happened and solve those issues.

Your friend has a friend you dont like what should you do?

Try to get to know the person. My friend used to be friends with a girl I hated. Now that girl is one of my best friends in the world and I can talk to her about anything. If you two still hate each other afterward, just try to avoid arguing or anything in front of your friend.

What does the abbreviation boyfriend stand for?

Boyfriend or best friend. But its usually used for best friend

How do you get your mum to like your best friend?

just let your mum get used to your best friend

What to do when your best friend finds out about who you like?

you shouldn't be ashamed of who you like they could end up being your true love someday so never let even your best friend change who you like. i personally like my best friend's mortal enemy so one day at lunch i told her calmly and answered all her questions, it took her about a week to accept it but she got used to the idea and now she supports me.

What are three sentences for the word girl?

I like a girl in my class.The girl smiled back at him.He knew he should have been born a girl.

What will you do if your girl friend cheats on you?

If your girlfriend cheats on you, the best thing to do is ask her why she did it and if you ever really meant anything to her, or if she was just using you. If she cheats on you with your best friend, she was obviously trying to get your best friend (or friend or relative or random) in the first place and used you to make them jealous. I would break up with her and explain how heartbroken you are, then move on, nobody wants to love someone who cheats on you, its immature and you deserve a lot better.

What TV show used 'You are my best friend' by queen?

Will & Grace used the song "You're my best friend" in its series finale.