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Well I think that if you guys are best friends you should respect each other's decision wether you both like the same person. If you told your best friend that you liked him and than she told you she likes him too I think its up to him to chose which one he likes and no offense but it might even be neither of you...its up to him. Just don't fight with your best friend because if you do and the guy likes her more than he likes you...than you just lost your best friend for a guy.

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Margaretta Barrows

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1y ago
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14y ago

Either try to allow them to use it and forget about it, or ask them not to steal your idea and to let you have it since it was yours in the first place. And... ask yourself if they're really a true friend.

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12y ago

If your friend steals your crush and she or he knew you liked that person, stop being friends with them. They are untrustworthy and not worth your time. You deserve better friends who wouldn't go behind your back.. :) good luck

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