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You talk to Shola Kukoyi.

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Q: What do you do when your crush has a girlfriend and is friends with the stalker who has a crush on you even though you have reason and do hate them?
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It is quite obviously amy. Though it may seem that he hates her and that she is a stalker. I truly think that down deep sonic really does have feelings for her. Sonic+Amy

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Yes, you can date this person; I see no why reason why not.

Ow do you tell this boy to like you when he already has a girlfriend?

Well you first of all shouldn't tell him because he has a girlfriend. If his girlfriend and him don't get along very well, discuss that with him and then later don't be his rebound but reassure him and let him know you are there. This will make him realize that you want to be around him more. If you want to tell him while he is still dating his girlfriend, then hang out with him and his guy friends when you are with your girl friends. Notice the cute little things he does, then bring them up with him in a friendly text. He will be interested that you noticed and want to know a little more about you. Don't be stalker-ish though, lay low and keep cool until you feel like you can say something to him without offsetting anything.

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Well my friends always date even though they were in kinder and in 1st - their whole life.

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i know that louis has a girlfriend, i don't know about anybody else though...

Is it just normal if one of your suitor asked you to be your friend even though you already rejected him?

No try to avoid him as much as possible. Stalker alert stalker alert beep beep beep attention we have a stalker

If your best friend is friends with your ex girlfriend should you be friends with them?

You can still be friends with your friend, but just try to remember to not get to close to your ex, and remember that your ex may be trying to make you jealous (it is possible that they aren't though). It is OK to be friends with an ex.

How do you tell if your girlfriend really likes you?

She talks to you even though she is with her friends... she doesnt flinch when you touch her, she gives you peanut butter as presents. THANK YOU!

What if your friend said ya'll are not friends anymore because he found him a girlfriend and he said he didnt need you anymore?

Then he's a jerk and doesn't now what he's talking about! If he had any sense at all, he would say that even though he does have a girlfriend now, you two can still be friends because you were friends before he even met that girl.

How do you say stalker in french?

There is no single word to say stalker in French. If you want to say that a stalker has been pestering you, you have to make a full sentence, like 'je suis poursuivi / harcelé (or poursuivie / harcelée if you're a girl) par quelqu'un'. That's stalker in its criminal acception, though. If you just mean that you have unrequited attention from someone, you'd say "il / elle me colle".