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This question can be approached in many different ways.

If this is an issue with a leaky diaper type situation, you can mention to your mother that the diaper needs to be changed. You can even make yourself useful and try out changing it yourself. Mom might have her hands full, and can't get to it. If the diapers are getting that full, maybe it is time to introduce potty training.

If this is an older brother trying to poop on you, run. If they are being abusive and holding you down, this could be a bigger problem. Either way, you need to go to a trusted adult. Siblings almost always have times that they are mean to each other, but that is over the line. If he is trying to do something like that, he has some issues, and he needs to be spoken with. There is no reason for you to have to tolerate this.

If you mean figuratively, such as "dumping on you," than start out by talking to him. Tell him you feel like he is taking advantage of you. Communication can go a long way. If it doesn't do any good, talk to your parents.

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