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that's a tough one, and im not going to go out and say well why don't they just admit it.

#1 ask yourself how confident you are you that they like you. if your very confident then find small ways to admit it, little actions and phrases should do well. They are both probably shy people. So... in theory if they both really like each other then what is there to lose by one of them admiting it already!

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u should say if u love me so much why u still in that bad relaship

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Q: What do you do when you like someone but is scared to tell them about it?
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What to do if you are scared?


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when i was in middle school you just told your friend and your friend would tell him or her.

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You have to tell it to their face and don't be scared, don't let them change the subject, tell them right away, i did that and it worked and they won't hate you after that. And if you like them tell them that.

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You have to tell them even if you are too shy or scared. If you really want them you will eventually have to ask. :)

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Stop stalking her.

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Maybe he does like you or he is just scared to respond, because he dosen't no how you think about him!

If Im friends with someone and you love her as much as possible but she likes someone else you think see likes you but you want to tell her you like her and im sooooo scared some on please HELP?

if you tell your friend,they'll probably tell her for you! that's what my friends did! hope this helped :)

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