

Best Answer

Ask. One of the problems I've had reccurring my whole life is poartners freely going self-centered and reading me wrong. If he's doing it out selfishness you find, just make sure he's not reading you wrong one bit in the situation. --------53 year old Gramps. The above answer is right on, but I would like to add ... "what is good for the goose is good for the gander" ... take one out on him! This is not to get even with him, but it would be to your best interest if your husband should pass on before you and leave you with a young child. He had no right to do such a thing without first discussing it with you!

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Q: What do you do when you find out that your husband of five years has taken out an accidental death insurance policy and is paying the monthly premiums on you and your son without having told you first?
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Does paying car insurance monthly build your credit?

Paying your insurance premiums do no report to any credit reporting bureaus.

Does the money you pay monthly on car insurance go toward your premium?

That is what you are paying monthly is your insurance premiums. You have a choice of payment plans that are best for you. You can pay it once a year or one a month.

How much is the average monthly car insurance premiums?

Car insurance premiums can differ based on a wide range of factors, being exceptionally expensive in cases involving expensive sports cars or with DUI offenses on record. The average monthly premium is $66.66 according to CompUQuotes.

Do you pay car insurance per month?

Most insurance companies will allow clients to pay their insurance premiums monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.

What does the term redundancy insurance refer to?

Redundancy insurance is known as accident, sickness, unemployment insurance. Redundancy insurance is designed to pay you monthly benefits if you lose your income from accidental and sickness.

What services are offered by LifeWise Insurance?

Life Wise Insurance is a health insurance company located in Washington, Oregon and Arizona. They offer different tiers of insurance with different deductibles and monthly premiums.

What should you look for in a life insurance quote?

When thinking about getting a life insurance quote it is important to look for things such as the coverage term, the coverage amount, and the monthly premiums.

If you apply for life insurance but your employer refuses to deduct the premiums what are your options?

Pay them yourself by either being billed at home or having the monthly premiums automatically deducted from your checking or savings account.

How does group term life insurance work?

The group term life insurance works just as a regular life insurance company would but their premiums are lower and they are very fair with their monthly prices.

What program provides medical insurance to people of 65 years old?

Medicare. However it requires monthly payments of premiums by the insured.

Can you deduct insurance premiums as a medical expense on federal taxes?

Can I add my monthly health insurance payment from my employer to my medical deductions, such as medications prescribed, office visits, etc..

Is individual insurance afforable?

Some insurance policies come with high monthly premiums, which can be a financial burden to pay. By performing some comparison shopping it should be possible to find some lower-cost options for individual insurance.