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Don't take the reconciliation seriously since it sounds like neither of you is ready to settle on one person. Wait until you are both free and are open to one another only.

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Q: What do you do when you cheated on boyfriend but he wants to work things out but is talking to another girl?
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First of all, get his phone number. You surely have some way to get hold of one another if you are in a relationship. Secondly, talk to him face to face about it, calmly and without accusing him of anything. Talking about things is how relationships work.

What should you do if you cheated on your boyfriend with your ex?

First off, tell your boyfriend. Second, you need to think about if you still want to be with your boyfriend and get things straightened out between you two.

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hickey ? well if so dump him . if he has a relationship out of a relationship he cheated . it takes two people to do most of the sexual things

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If he cheated once, he's probably not worth your time, and probably not trustworthy. I would say you can't. If he cheated once, he wasn't totally happy, what happens when you have a rough time again?

Why would your boyfriend be talking to another girl?

AnswerMost likely because your boyfriend is a human being that lives in a mixed gender society.AnswerMaybe because he wants to surprise you or something or wants to ask them about other relationship things between you and him.

My boyfriend cheated on he's ex when he was with her they broke up because she cheated on him with a younger man He nearly cheated on me once will he do it to me again?

Your boyfriend is ego maniacal and selfish! He cheated on his ex and she hit the bottom of the barrel along with him by cheating on him. This is not a way to resolve such problems. Your boyfriend has had things his way far too long and you have the power to control this situation. Talk to your boyfriend and communicate to him that you will not put up with cheating like his ex had to put up with it and if he continues you will end the relationship. If you don't ask for respect or show you are your own woman then you can't expect others to respect you. He isn't the only fish in the sea. You deserve better!

Why does your boyfriend keep making the remark that you have another boyfriend?

Because hes jealous that you are either spending time with another boy or doing things that might suggest you have another boyfriend and he is just using it for humour Xx

Can a brat have a boyfriend?

The doll or a person? Haha. You need to clarify your question. But if your talking about a person being a brat. It may be hard for a bratty girl to get a boyfriend because no one likes a brat. I assume your talking about yourself, therefore try to change you attitude toward things. I appreciate things, and dont be snobby.

I cheated on my boyfriend should I stay with him because he wants to make things better or move on so I don't hurt him again Now I'm at the point where I would never do that again should I go?

Your question suggests that you aren't particularly interested in your boyfriend anymore.

How do you retreve your girlfriend if she have another boyfriend?

buy her more things than the other guy

How do you know that your boyfriend really down like you?

How much time you spend together without sex or just talking about things besides.

Your ex boyfriend is talking to this guy im trying to get with and now he is talking to him and now the guy you were trying to get with wont talk you why is that?

Your ex boyfriend probably told him lots of bad things about you - some that might not even be true although this guy you were trying to get with believes them. sorry that happened