

Best Answer honest with the person you are currently seeing. To not tell him/her is selfish and cruel.

SECOND...communicate with the person you think you like

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Q: What do you do when you are dating someone you don't like anymore and you like someone else but don't know if he likes you.?
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no, i dont think theyre dating anymore

How come you can like a guy but when you find out that he likes you you dont like him anymore and you dont like him anymore but he likes you then when you know he doesnt like you anymore you like him?

this is because we want what we can't have and when we have what we want we get bored and don't want it. and if someone says you can't, have something you want it more to prove they are wrong.

What does he mean when he says he likes you and you are dating?

it means he likes you. dont over analize anything a guy says

What do you do when you used to like a guy but you dont anymore and now he likes you?

make it obvious you dont like him so he doesnt ask you out

What are the signs that your boyfriend likes you after break up?

He will try and make you jelous somehow, mabye dating someone else. Whatever you do dont go crawling back to him, let him come to you.

What do you do if you really like this guy and he likes you but were both dating someone and you dont wana break up with them?

Same thing happened to me. If you really ont want to break up, DONT. That means you are still happy and content with your current relationship. Look at what you have, not what you dont.

What if he acts like he likes you?

if he acts like he likes you dont do anything unless you feel the same way start dating with him and get married.

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No, if they did it would be mentioned in the news.

What do you do if he use to like you but then he likes another girl?

movve on...he dont like you anymore trust me its happened 2 me

What do you do if you like a guy and dont think he likes you back?

then there is no use in liking him like someone who likes you

You like someone but he likes someone else but gives me the imperesion he likes me back?

Guys are jerks. My advice- dont fall for their crap/

Your crush is your best friend but he is dating someone what should you do?

Well you should tell your best friend u like him/her and well if she really likes him dont worry bout it relationships dont last very long so youll get ur chance.