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take your cellphone out and take pictures

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Q: What do you do when you accidentally come in to a room when your aunt is naked?
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How do you make a guy feel good sexually?

Come in the room naked with a sandwich.

You live with your aunt and you have to share a room with your girl c and whenever she is in your room she is naked or in underwear she has sex while you try to sleep your aunt dosent belive you what?

Try to ignore it. Her behavior is her mother's and her business, not yours. We understand that this is a difficult situation for you, but continuing to complain will only make it worse. You have done all you can do until you are able to move out and be on your own.

Whats the best place to show your boyfriend your naked body?

The best place is at your bf is in a private room where no one can come in u dont want to be naked and have a random person walk in on u :)

What is a naked exchange?

it's when two people get naked and look at eachother. usually done to get rid of awkwardness. like if someone you live with accidentally walks in while you're drying yourself after a shower etc. you just go to seperate rooms, take yoour clothes off and meet in a room.

Is it legal to be naked in your hotel room and get caught by the hotel staff?

no because you have to have full privacy in your room and you can sue the place that sees you naked...perverts

How can you be in the same room as Aunt Arctic?

You have to track her and make sure the room is not full.

When you're in the massage therapy room do you have to be naked?

No, you do not have to be naked. You can wear underwear, but women do need to be topless.

What to do if you eat tinfoil accidentally?

Go to the emergency room IMMEDIATELY!!!

You are embarressed when im naked in the locker room?

Yeah - embarrassed FOR you.

If you are in the locker room and some jerk pulls off your towel and steals your clothes do you stay naked all day?

No, you send out a distress call for a teacher or supervisor to come to your aid.

How do you be in the same room as aunt arctic in club penguin?

at the penguin play awards or backstage are the places you will have to stay a couple hours till you get an aunt arctic stamp!i have a video on you tube of how to find rockhopper and do the same thing in aunt arctics favorite rooms and you will be in the same room as her.

How many children went to A and E for accidentally cutting themselves with a knife?

Five children went to the emergency room for accidentally cutting themselves with a knife.