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You cant make someone be in a realtionship if they don't want to be, just wait and see what will happen, show her that you love her, if you love her then you will wait, but after a while if she's still blind to see you love her more then anyone else could then give up and find another person, i know that's not that easy but its better then being alone.

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13y ago
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14y ago

You cannot force him to feel the same way about you. If he doesn't, then so be it. Do not waste your time on making love work. Find someone that loves you the same amount as you do to them. When it doesn't work out with someone, that just means there's someone else better there for you. Move on.

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12y ago

If your girlfriend does not want a serious relationship at the moment, then you need to decide what you want.

If you are okay with a casual relationship then you should stay with her.

But if it will only hurt you to not be in a more serious relationship, then perhaps it would be best for you to move on and find someone that wants the same things out of a relationship that you do.

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12y ago

Well if you love them and they love you then eventually you guys will see that you are meant for each other.9 times out 10 the reason he doesn't want to be in a relationship is because he's not ready to commit to one person just yet. he feels there may be someone else that may be just as good as you. if you really love him you will respect the fact that he doesn't want a relationship. no I'm not saying wait until he is because what if he never is ready for one? I'm saying give him a few weeks maybe a month to realize what he wants then if he comes up with the same answer move on.

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