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You tell your friend that you value both friendships... that you understand that she doesn't like the other friend and that's okay, but out of respect for you she needs to stop slandering the other friend and that you are able to be friends with both of them.

AnswerWell, first I would tell her to grow up and stop talking about your other friend in that manner in front of you. Tell her, she can think what she wants but you would prefer that she keep it too herself. It is not your job to defend anyone and this "friend" sounds totally out of touch with what it means to be a friend. She can only manipulate you if you let her. Waste no time in letting her know that you like this other person and will continue to be her friend whether she likes it or not and from this day forward she can choose to be in the loop or not.
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Q: What do you do when one of your friends doesn't like another friend and will openly slander them and try to manipulate your feelings and if she doesn't get her way becomes jealous and angry?
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