If you are friends, ask him if you like me. Then If he says yes say yes and if you don't like him like him say but as a friend. If you do like him like him say yes I do like you like you. If he is an enemy or some random person tell the truth. If he is your crush say yes but don't make it seem too desperate and don't giggle while you are talking. Guys hate that.
Girls like it when guys ask them out it is the guys job to...... just like texting.... girls like it when guys text them first it makes them think you care..... its the best thing todo, try talking to her as a friend and tell them what you like in girl when girls ask out the guy first and what not..... but girls like it when guys ask first :) <3333
the truth
if you like them, then yeah.
Only guys ask questions like this. Guys don't dance.
Most guys in the US seem to, but ultimately you will have to ask your partner.
That's a hard one to answer because it depends on who u ask different guys will have different answers u can ask what do most guys like with if u ask me is light eyed blonds
Ask him out, guys like that.
If you don't go out with guys, how will you find out which is "the perfect guy"? You should go out with all the guys which ask you out, but only if you like them too...
haha don't ask
This is a hard question to answer because there are lots and lots of guys out there and all have different personalities and interests in girls. Ask around! What i mean by asking around is start talking to guys you are attracted to and ask what there interests are. Do they like hair up, or do they like long hair or do they like make up or straight hair. Doing this can get you noticed guys.
confront him ask him y he is look in at u
Yes it is perfectly normal to ask guys out...some people think that the guys should ask the girls all the time...but that is not the case. You can ask any one you want.