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Depends on what means. If he's asking for sex, slap him. If he's telling you to go to sleep... wait, never mind, it doesn't depend on what he means.

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Q: What do you do when a guy asks you to go to bed?
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go to the person who asks you for a gold coin,you get the gold coin were the fountain is,now go to the guy who asks you for the coin click on a book and he will give you something,now go upstairs go near his bed click,on a paper under it and it will be the answer to what you`ve just asked me.

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Ask why , and trust your feelings if you are comfortable to go or not .

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it depends on if you know the guy really good

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it means that he wants to have a drink and probably take you back to his house and to his bed so i hope that you are ready for that

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=First if you don't like the person your dating kindly dump him the you can go out with the person that asked you out. but when he asks you out tell him a in about a month so you have time to dump your boyfriend and let it soak in for him and for him to move on also.=