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Are you sure your spouse isn't right? Your wife/husband should come first. Once you marry and leave the family fold to get on with your life then your wife or husband should come first. This doesn't mean you love your parents or relatives any less, but of course it means you will be spending more time with your spouse. If you constantly have family around, they know every thing you do, say and feel, then yes, I can see there is a good reason why your spouse would feel this way. I think this is a question you must answer and please be honest with yourself. Perhaps see family once a week or once every two weeks. The first start of a great marriage is communication and you need to sit down with your spouse and ask why he/she feels this way. Both of you are adults and should be able to come to some equal solution to the problem. Good luck Marcy I totally agree with upstairs answer! To add my thoughts, if you find yourself talking about your spouse to your family or for that matter, your friends BEFORE you speak with your spouse, THERE'S A PROBLEM with your communication skills. You MUST communicate any grievances you have with your spouse first. then you can speak with your family or friends about it. If you don't your spouse will feel left out, with good cause!

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Q: What do you do if your spouse feels that you have greater loyalty to your family than to the spouse and you don't feel that there is any truth to the claim but it is a feeling that your spouse has?
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