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Find some good references to show them that explain the symptoms of it and explain to them what of those you feel. Ask them to make you an appointment with a psychologist (not a psychiatrist first!!!) for a second opinion. If they still don't believe you, talk to your school counselor, nurse, or school psychologist or social worker if your school has one.

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Q: What do you do if your parent doesn't believe you when you try to tell them you have ADHD and just wont listen?
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Does ADHD have to do with worrying?

A: ADHD:Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. When your child is hyper and out of control and doesnt pay any attention at all to anything, that is ADHD. Of course, you have to get them evaluated by a doctor over a period of weeks most of the time, but ADHD is the lack of worrying if anything.

What's ADD?

Don't listen to the last answerer, ADD/ADHD is caused by a lack of the focusing hormone. Medicines correct this deficiency thus treating the ADD/ADHD. hope this helped!

Can a child get ADHD if a parent used PCP before getting pregnant?

No; the past consumption of drugs is not related to a child being born with ADHD. However, people with ADHD have higher rate of drug abuse (believed to be related to a lack of impulse control).

What will ADHD medication do if your intoxicated?

it depends on if you actually have adhd or not. if you do, then it will just stabilize you, as it does when you are sober. if you do not, it might make you feel more energized or clench-y. it doesnt get you fu ck ed up if that is what you are asking.

Do ADHD mom's have ADHD kids?

In some cases they do. There can be genetic reasons that contribute to ADHD. However, shared lifestyles can also be at the root of attention problems, including ADHD. A mother and her child will more than likely share a similar diet, similar recreation, television viewing habits, emotional states. All of that can influence ADHD. See Book - Overcoming ADHD Without Medication: A Parent and Educator's Guidebook for information on the genetic and lifestyle balance of ADHD.

What can you eat to suppress adhd?

There is no proven evidence of a link between the food you eat and ADHD, but there are some health professionals which believe that a low carb, high protein diet can help curb ADHD symptoms.

Must a person with ADHD go to a special school?

Yes; as with most mental disorders there are varying degrees of severity. Some individuals with ADHD believe it has contributed to their success, not failure.

Who pays for ADHD testing?

In some countries, with government healthcare the taxpayers pay for the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD. However, in most countries the cost must be paid by either the individual (or parent) directly or through an insurance plan.

How does a parent who is depressed and defiant deal with there child who has adhd and who is defiant also?

This parent should seek out help from the local mental health clinic/team, and possibly try to get a social worker involved to help the family out. If the child is hard to manage and cope with at times, a psychiatrist may be available to interview the child and possibly put him/her on a medication or a treatment plan. Remember not to make any rash decisions before talking to a specialist in mental/social health. The parent is luckier to have a child with ADHD rather than bipolar disorder, autism, or depression, because ADHD is very treatable and manageable with the right help.

Do you inherit ADHD from mom?

In most cases, yes. ADHD can be caused by early birth, exposure to toxins during the birth cycle, or through heredity. ADHD does carry a high heritable rate, with an approximate estimate of 75% diagnosed know a family member or parent who has the disorder.

Why has the use of medication to treat children with ADHD created controversy?

The controversy surrounds the most common group of drugs used to treat ADHD, psychostimulants. Psychostimulants can be addictive and abused, and some groups have feared the unknown side effects they may have. However, most medical research has shown that treating a person who has ADHD with stimulants lowers their risk of drug abuse. There is also controversy of the legimitacy of ADHD diagnoses. Some believe it is over-diagnosed while others believe that doctors are just more informed and able to recognize it.