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Sadly, it depends on whether your spouse will agree to stop the other relationship immediately and work on the relationship with you. If not, or if you believe you cannot forgive the error, then your marriage is over.

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Q: What do you do if your married and your spouse has feeling for someone else?
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No most certainly not. If you are already cheating on your spouse and on top of that don't love them then do both of you a favour and let go.

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No. A spouse or ex spouse cannot get an order to prevent you from seeing someone else. They could get a no contact order to keep you away from them but not someone else.

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if you are stil married with that spouse talk with them tell them how you feel if you are not married with them any more try dating someone else not just anyone look for someone who was also rejected you guys could talk about it it will make you feel better trust me when my parents got a divorce my mom still loved my dad so she went on a match service and found some one who had the same problem now she is much much happier