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Well to me you cant fight about this with your friend. Maybe he likes your friend and maybe he likes you. You cant make him decide because its just going to make it aakward for the girl he doesnt choose. I have this experience now my friend likes this guy and i kinda like him too. Her best friend is telling her that theres a 99.99% chance that he will ask her out. I think shes just saying that too make her feel better. My friend is desperate for any guy and kinda yea. Her best friend hurt her once and she still believes her! Well i cant do anything but love is difficult. I've had many boys i dated in the past. But this guy me and my friend likes is a true player!

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12y ago
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12y ago

me and my friend like a guy named Mario i love him more than her because i care about him today he got hit with the ball and she said ha ha he deserves it!!!!!!!!!!! who says that. what ever!!! if you like the boy dont give up until he chooses you keep on trying for love but you and your friend got to talk dont fight please and if the boy dosent know you like him try to impress him but remember always be yourself!!!!

and never give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! luck
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13y ago

this is a hard topic to deal with but when it comes to the crunch, alls fair in love and war. If you and your friend BOTH like him, make sure he notices you more than your friend. as harsh as it sounds, wouldn't you be upset if he was dating your friend instead of you and think "wow, that could have been me cuddling into him?" trust me, been there, done that and got the freekin t-shirt. ive been on the winning side luckily, i was more noticed that my friend, but we both made up in the end-if shes a true friend she wont hold a grudge like mine didnt, and you keep your friend and get the guy.

hey im a guy and i think whoever wrote that is kinda right and wrong. As much as girls love it, guys don't like girls with baggage and don't like to be fought over. Id hate to be the reason a girl and her friends had a fight or argument. think about it from our side of the waters...

hiyyaa, im a girl and because of a guy me and my friend have not spoke in a while. hopefully we will make up, cause i got the guy, but then we split and i had nobody. sometimes, guys are just not worth it........

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13y ago

Oh my gosh honey I have the same exact problem there is this really cute guy I like but my best friend likes him two! and she is the shy type the type that would not make a move! But me no i would make a move and i have but anyways my mom has always told me never to choose a boy over a friend but maybe that is because im in jr.high!lol well almost at least ok ive said too much and im not much help. listen what i would do is always change the subject when she talks about him! just never tlk to her about him. its that simple well not really but it is crushing me two! i feel so sorry for her well not because i don't think she could win but because she would NEVER make a move. its kinda like on spiderman. anyways hon just shy away from the conversation when she brings it up just laugh or something agree and then show no interest. oh one last thing make yourself noticed (not obviosly) but make your self noticed so that HE makes a move and not you. it hurts i know i know but love is a battle field and one cannot survive while the other one lives. lol quotes from harrypotter 5 and Nancy Drew!

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13y ago

If you and your friend are close, tell her you like him too. But to value each others friendship, neither one should go after the guy. If you tell her and she gets mad and ignores you, that is no friend. No friendship should be destroyed over another person.That would really hurt but you should trust her i have been in a relation ship over this guy named seith hes just so I'm boy crazy !!!! go boys !!!!! but the some time ruin friendship but my other friends!!!

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13y ago


If the girl is your friend, you two should talk about it and probably neither of you date him, unless you both come to a decision that you are truly happy with, or one of you later decides you like someone else. Dating this guy will hurt your friend's feelings and could potentially ruin your friendship. Friends should be your priority over guys, any day.


If you and her are not friends or don't really know each other then probably don't talk to her about it, but also don't spread it round your circle of friends that you both like the same person, otherwise you might end up with her side and your side. You need to accept that yes, he might like her and they might end up together. There is nothing you can do about that and there will be someone else out there for you.


Either way, don't get into a petty competition, trying to compete with her for his attention. It doesn't work that way. Sure, if you wear your prettiest, tiniest clothes, he might look at you in a way that he doesn't look at her, but that won't last. He has to make a decision about who he likes, and it might not be either of you. Don't make him feel bullied into having to like one of you. He might already feel awkward that two people like him.

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17y ago

I had the same thing happen to me and I believe its better to be honest then to lie or try not to worry about it.

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14y ago

just talk to your friend and tell her that if you were a true friend you would leave him alone.

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