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Dont Worry Because There are over fish in the sea! Hope That Helped From Supersauge

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Elyse Schaden

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2y ago
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9y ago

Many men cheat on their wives and if the man is older he may choose a much younger woman and try to regain his youth back. Sometimes married men don't realize what a great wife they had and after a certain time with the mistress he finds out that he does truly love his wife. The mistress must be aware that this could happen.

With many married couples no matter what the problem there remains a bond between them. Some men can leave for good, but a percentage does miss their wife.

It's best for you to move on no matter how painful it is and learn from this experience. There are so many single guys out there so next time pick on a single guy.

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Q: What do you do if your boyfriend leaves you for his ex?
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Dont Worry Because There are over fish in the sea! Hope That Helped From Supersauge

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