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then they are not a true friend!! : )

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Q: What do you do if your best friend talks down to you never defends or compliments you and can always make you feel bad while you always give them props and always try to impress them but you never can?
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You can impress you childhood friend by treating her well.

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hes a relly good friend or he probubly likes u just ask him what he thinks of ur relationship or tell him how u feel

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Your friend could possibly be jelous of you and feel like you are always better at everything, even if your not trying to be. Maybe your friend is trying to impress you or someone else who may be near when she does this.

How do you know if your friend is really a true friend of yours?

This is a way of knowing that your friend is true. she doesn't treat you like garbage, when some one is being mean to you or picking on you, your friend is always there to help you and not being shy and watching. and she always compliments you and she always asks for you then any other person. i hope this helped!

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it depends on your friend.

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That depends on if you are trying to impress them to have a possible relationship or if you are just trying to impress a friend. Basically if you are trying to impress a friend - don't, your friend should like you for you and you shouldn't have to go out of your way to impress them for them to like you. If you like a friend and would like to possibly change that friendship to more than speak with them and tell them how you feel - remember they are your friend and you should be able to talk with them - see how things go from there. Do something they cannot do then teach them how you did it.

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You have to impress her and not be an idiot

How do you impress friend?

You Dont Have Friends

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With my manlihood.

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by giving her flowers

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be hot and romantic

How do you get Willow Smith to be your friend?

meet and impress her (: