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I am not sure where to start. First I am sorry this is happening to you. Is there someone you can talk to about this that will keep it confidentital? What are you doing to keep your self safe? Is the abuse bad enough to where you want to run away? Have you been threatened? Maybe a high school counselor can help? Right now this is all I can think of for suggestions. Keep your self safe and sane. :)

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Q: What do you do if your being emotionally abused by your parents at 13?
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When was Yours Emotionally created?

Yours Emotionally was created on 2007-03-13.

What right do 13 year old have?

Right to an education, a safe home, not being abused etc. You have no right to decide where to live or move out.

If a 13 year-old girl is being abused by her mum what should the girl do?

talk to someone older like a teacher or someone trusting

What can you do for a 13 old girl who is being physicallyemotionally and mentally being abused daily by her father and mother?

Report the situation to the child protection agency in your area. They will investigate, and will keep your name out of it if requested.

What do i do if I'm 13 living with parents who have physically abused you three times and I'm wanting to move out?

Contact CPS and let them know what the situation is. They are going to have to make sure you are safe and do a complete investigation.

What do the police do about 13 year olds having intercourse and possibly being pregnant?

At most your parents will be intimated about it

Is Lizzie Borden guilty of murdering her parents?

I've searched for hours now and many believe she was brutally abused and maybe even molested so maybe she murdered them for evil demonic revenge. BTW IM 13

What were the parents chores in the 13 colonies?

Parents were responsible for ensuring the well-being of their families. This meant farming, childcare, canning, cutting wood, repairing the home and grounds, and hunting.

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impossible mate!

Can parents stop a child from watching a pg 13 movie if the child is 13?

Pg-13 is pretty much is a warning to parents that the content might not be suitable for children under the age of 13 so i guess its the parents decision to stop the 13 yr old from watching the film

Im 13 and wanted to know how to start off sex?

You are too young to want to have sex. You can catch a disease, cause or be pregnant, and bring about hurt for another human being, mostly your worried parents. Focus on school work, and enjoying being 13.