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There's nothing you can do. She was his wife once. You can't erase that. No matter how much he loves you, he will not not stop loving her, either. I know this isn't what you want to hear and I'm sorry. Marriage is serious business. He loved her enough to marry her and he once loved her as much as he loves you. If you cannot handle that, then you shouldn't have began a relationship with a previously married man.


Don't get discouraged. A small part of his heart may always belong to her, but remember that you are the one that's going to wake up next to him tomorrow.

Answer: I think you need to have a calm, mature discussion about this BEFORE you get married. You also need to realize that unfounded insecurity and jealousy can seriously damage or even destroy an otherwise wonderful relationship.

Answer: Anyone considering getting married to a previously married person should seriously consider all the baggage that comes with it. I am in a 8 year marriage to a man that has a 13 year old son and his ex is constantly causing us problems. I think it is because she is still in love with him.

Answer: I suspected my husband was still hung up on his ex, and I was right. He cheated on me only 3 months after we were married with her for over a year. Because they have kids together, I have to see this woman on a constant basis. We have been to 3 marriage counselors and have been married for a little over 4 years and I am almost to the point of divorce. He even had Thanksgiving dinner with her and his family. I have had it!

Answer: I think its fair enough still having something in your heart for past relationships, but does being hung up on her when he's with you mean she means more to him than you do, if so it is completely pointless in getting married. Theres no point in asking him, he will of course say he loves you more, You need to look at his actions, with your head not your heart, and decide for yourself. Do you really want to be yet another divorce-ee

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