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  • Seeing a friend's husband with another woman in a public place is not uncommon. Hopefully it means nothing, but, if he is at the movies he should be with his wife and not another woman. It could be his/her cousin or his wife may know so be careful how you approach your friend. This is a difficult situation you are in and some friends would rather remain silent about what they saw, but true friends are honest. When/if you tell your friend then don't be surprised if she may turn on you. This can often happen. She will either react in that manner or her heart will be broken. Be prepared to be caught in the middle of a possible breaking up of a marriage and be aware of her husband as he could retaliate against you for telling his wife.
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Talk to your friend about what you saw, so she can handle her wife.

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Q: What do you do if you see your friend's husband at the movies with another woman?
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