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You'll just have to talk to them and tell them that they have nothing to worry about. If they still get mad, then you'll have to deal with them getting mad and they'll have to deal with you being gone a lot. You may try some counseling for the both of you. But it sounds to me like a trust issue and unless that person deals with it, the relatinship probably won't last. There has to be trust.

Answertheres about 3-4 choices here. Take the first answer. OR Get work closer to home. OR GET A NEW boyfriend AND girlfriend.. AnswerI don't think it HAS to be a trust issue. They may just miss you a lot when you are gone. Honestly, I think its a good thing. I know a lot of people that are glad/relieved to have their partner go away! Talk to your partner and see why they don't like it. Do they simply miss you or is it a trust issue? Can you avoid the travel? If its your choice to travel then maybe your partner feels like you don't want to be with them as much as they want to be with you. AnswerIt depends. It's immature of them to get mad about that, but if you really want to stay in a relationship with them, and you might consider changing your job. It really sounds like it's their problem though, and not yours. Talk about it. That's almost always the best solution. If they won't listen then they're selfish, and you shouldn't be involved with them.


this sounds like 'abandonment issues'.

if shes been, or feels she has been 'abandoned', let down, by someone she loved and trusted and or loved her

it turns into this when its not been properly dealt with and when they have not really moved on within themselves.

and they can develop paranoias of you being away, why your away, that they want you there, they don't want you to be with anyone else, your love is for them no-one else and the control comes in here where they tell you , no your not going, and yes they can get angry when you want to leave

your partner is likely to benefit from counseling or a psychologist with an issue like this, and if you want your relationship to change and to work better for both of you, and want to help her then you should seriously talk about it,

and its true she probably wont be happy you bring the issue up, it is an underlying issue that she will already feel bad about and may not want to face it

but if in the end it turns out she does have a problem, but she wont talk about it (even with you) then it would be time to look for a new relationship with someone who would do those things for you and that you will be happy in and have your freedom in.

obviously i don't know what is really going on with your life, and they may well just not like your work or the fact the fact that you have to travel, but that's my take on what you've said.


-- I feel that there may be a lot of factors at play and automatically discounting it as the problem of 'the one left behind' is premature. I think if there were issues of cheating in the past that can be massive. If the traveller is out to dinner with other persons, work or otherwise while on the road...going to functions...and their partner at home does not have the same chance at such a lifestyle, the travelling partner should make an extra effort to wine and dine the one left behind to equalise the situation. I dated a salesman who ate great dinners went out with coworkers on the road and found out later went to good ol boy nudie bars. When he got home, he was too lazy to want to do anything and wanted "HOME COOKED MEALS". Needless to say I dumped him. Being left behind and not being treated special when your travelling partner gets back sucks.

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Q: What do you do if you have to travel for work and your boyfriend or girlfriend gets mad about it with no reason to be?
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