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The fact that you asked this question tells me that you might have been thinking about this person a lot over the past year. Seeing that you keep thinking about them so much, that is probably the sign that you have feelings for them.

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if they seem like they like you too well, ask them out!

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Q: What do you do if you have had a crush on someone for at least a year?
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Is a ten year old old enogh to have a crush on someone?

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Just as your crush.

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well hes not dating someone at the moment but he has a huge crush on beyonce at least he has good taste in women

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Well love and crush are 2 different things if you love someone then your heart belongs to them if you have a crush on someone then you like them and they make you laugh so if i were you and i loveed someone but at the same time i had a crush on someone i would choose the person i love .

How do you forget someone that you used have a crush in?

you just think about someone you have a crush on at the moment and you will eventually forget

Is it a natural thing to have crush on someone in teenage?

Yes, it is a natural thing to have a crush on someone when you are a teenager.

How can you have a crush to someone?

You can have a crush on someone by the way they look at you, and how they tell you that you are pretty. But sometimes they are just messing with your mind...

What do you mean by a year long crush?

You have had a crush on a person for a year and have not done anything about it.

What is a good crush?

A good crush is someone who makes you feel happy and excited, respects your boundaries, and is kind and genuine. Having a crush can be a fun and enjoyable experience as long as it is respectful and makes you feel good about yourself.

How can you tell when someone has a crush on you?

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