"You mean like: Game Over?" "Can I have a retry? Another 1-UP maybe?"
If someone says to me "What you looking at?", I just go over to them and drop them. Yes brv, London 4 ever.
When someone says congratulations to you, or when someone congratulates you, say, "Thank you".
if someone says your funny just say lol i know. lol get you out of everything.
The same thing you say when someone says "you're welcome" - nothing.
It is called sarcasm when someone says the opposite of what you say in a mocking or ironic way.
say 'ok'
When someone says "afwan" in Arabic, it means "you're welcome" in response to "shukran" which means "thank you." You can reply with "afwan" as well to acknowledge their thanks. It is a polite way to show gratitude and reciprocate the appreciation expressed towards you.
You say: How to you say It someone says: IT you say: no I....T
you could say Thank You
Say "Thank You".
You say 'You're Welcome'