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If you ask your friend to control her child when it is hurting your child and she ignores you, there's only one thing you can do: remove your child and yourself to another place, somewhere her child can't bother you.

Regardless of how good a friend she might be, her behaviour is atrocious. Also, you owe it to your child to protect them under the circumstances: to put your friend's very unfriendly feelings before those of your child - and before your child's safety and comfort - would be teaching a very bad lesson to your child.

If your child cannot trust you to look after them in these or any other circumstances, you're creating a breach of trust which will have bad repercussions in the future, especially where your child's behaviour is concerned.

Your friend isn't behaving like much of a friend, but can't be too bad if she's a friend of yours. She might be under great pressure for one reason or another, maybe going through a difficult time. Speak with her when the kids aren't around, and when the two of you are alone, and ask her if she has any problems; you might offer help if she needs it, of just someone to listen.

But your immediate duty is to your child: if this happens again, act immediately to remove yourselves from the situation.

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Q: What do you do if friend starts ignoring you because you ask her child to stop being mean to your child not to push and kick your child?
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